I’m Thankful To Be Alive

“There is always, always something to be thankful for”

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!


I’m unbelievably grateful for so much this year. All those incredible people who take time out of their lives to help me and make room for me in theirs. Over the years, you start to realize who really is important in your life and who’s just there for the hell of it. I’ve had so many people in my life because that’s just how it turned out — it was nothing special. But in time you soon realize who’s meant to stay in your heart and who really wants to be there.

My friends are very limited, especially over the past year my friend rate has decreased dramatically. It’s upsetting, but at the same time it’s a great wake up call to see who really is there for you. Do you really want friends just to have around who don’t consider you as important to them as much as they’re important to you? It’s not worth it. But you will have those couple of people who love you unconditionally and will always have a place for you in their heart. I’m so grateful for them and the bond we share.

My family is so wonderful. I may have a very small family, but we’re very close and I wouldn’t trade it for anything. All the laughs, smiles, arguments, dinners, game nights, etc. have always brought us even closer and that’s how a family should be. Not perfect, but perfect for you.

I’m incredibly lucky and grateful to have such a supportive boyfriend. I wouldn’t be the person I am today without him and I’m eternally grateful for him. I couldn’t imagine my life with anybody else. We just click in a way that makes sense to us and that’s so important to have with a best friend and soul mate for life.

I’m also thankful for my new job that is absolutely perfect for me at the moment, my house I live in, the food I eat, and my changing outlook on life. Growing up, you don’t realize much that everything I’ve listed on this post can be nonexistent. We’re very lucky to have what we have and to deal with what we do have, even if we don’t think it’s as good as we want it to be. Life changes every day. We change every day. It’s just so important to be thankful each and every day rather than once a year. We all complain about the bad things in life (job, economy, the country, the world, etc.) but we never really focus on the good aspects of life. There’s good in every single day, our minds just choose not to focus on them as much as the bad aspects.

It’s time for me — and hopefully time for you — to change the outlook on life to a positive one because life’s too short and there is so much good in the world that we’re not realizing. Let go of the negative. Run away from it. And welcome and surround yourself with the positive and watch your life change for the better.


2 thoughts on “I’m Thankful To Be Alive

  1. Amen! I’ve been practicing daily gratitude for several years now and yes, it has made me a happier person. I don’t get upset as often and when something does upset me, I don’t stay that way for long. With practice, one can find the silver lining in even the worst of things. You are definitely on the right track!


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