Yoga Is For Everyone


I’m sure all that has tried yoga can say that it’s not an easy practice. So picture an overweight or elderly person trying it. Way more difficult, right? Wrong. It doesn’t matter what size, shape, or age you are. Yoga is difficult for everyone in the beginning but with enough consecutive practice each week, anyone can do it up to par with each other. You learn to use your body. You learn to know when you’ve strained the muscles just enough. You also learn to use your mind. Concentrating on each pose and what you are experiencing in the present moment. As much as some people may disagree, yoga is for everybody. We see photos and articles of people holding certain difficult poses and we think we’ll never be able to hold them as well, but how do you think those people got to that point? Practice, practice, practice. If you practice right and practice well, you’ll go a long way. And hey, if the hulk can practice yoga, then so can you. 😉

3 thoughts on “Yoga Is For Everyone

  1. Pingback: Day#1 Pre-Yoga Class Preparation–Yikes! | Writing Through The Monsters Of Our Childhood

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